WAHO General News

We are very pleased to announce that following publication of their first Stud Book Volume and its acceptance by WAHO, the China Arabian Horse Association is now a full Registering Authority Member of WAHO in good standing. We welcome China to the WAHO family. Full contact details can be found in the list of Registering Authority Members on this website.  Export documents should be sent direct to their Registry office at email: studbook@chinahorse.org  and followed with the original documents by airmail.  If you require a copy of their Volume 1 studbook which is available on .pdf, please contact them using the same email address.

Notice to all Registrars:  We try our best to keep the contact details updated in the list of Registering Authority Members on this website.  Please let the WAHO Office know of any changes to your contact details.  And be sure to check the address and email when sending documents to your colleagues at other Registries.

Rear Admiral James Carine  1934-2024

We were much saddened to hear that our old friend and colleague James Carine died in January 2024.

Born on the Isle of Man in 1934, James Carine joined the Royal Navy in 1950.  He married Sally in 1961 and they celebrated 62 years of marriage in 2023.  He had a long and very distinguished career in the Navy, rising to the senior rank of Rear Admiral.

Rear Admiral James Carine

After retiring from the Royal Navy in 1992, and with a lifelong interest in horses and horse racing, James took on the role of Manager and Registrar of the British Arab Horse Society

James Carine at the 2007 WAHO Conference

.  He was also Chairman of WAHO’s World Registrars Meeting for several years and gave much of his time and knowledge to assist WAHO in many areas, especially with more complex issues that arose from time to time.

James retired from the Arab Horse Society in 2000 but stayed busy as had a strong commitment to public service and charities. Among other appointments, he was Chairman of the Wiltshire Ambulance Service; Chairman of Royal United Hospital Bath; a Member of the National Copyright Tribunal; and a Trustee of the Combat Stress Charity.  He was also a Fellow and former Master of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries.  James was honoured to be created a Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul II.

With his unfailing kindness, patience and willingness to offer his wise advice, and above all his wonderful sense of humour, it was always a pleasure for his many friends in WAHO to spend time with James.  He will be greatly missed by us all.  We extend our sincere condolences to his wife Sally and their four children, Catriona, Malcolm, Gregory and Andrew.

James Carine on his 88th birthday


IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE WAHO OFFICE:  Please note the change of our WAHO email address.  Our usual email (waho@btconnect.com) is still not working properly.  Until further notice, please use wahoexecsec@gmail.com  For all Membership enquiries and renewals, please use the email  thewahooffice@gmail.com  Many thanks.


WAHO is pleased to offer you the chance to watch this fascinating historical documentary film made in Iran in 1978 by Gerald Weinbren, featuring the late Mary Gharagozlou.  It is called Migrate to Survive and tells the story of the annual migration of the Arabian horses to better pastures. It shows a wonderful slice of history and a vanishing way if life from 45 years ago.  It is about half an hour long, and is now freely available to view on Youtube at this link: https://youtu.be/hsRGa0q6n5w


We were extremely sad to learn that Mrs. Krystyna Karaszewska, long time Registrar for the Polish Arabian Stud Book, passed away on 28 September 2022.  Krystyna was very well known to all the WAHO family since she became the PASB Registrar in 1970, highly respected and will be greatly missed.  An obituary was published on the Polish Jockey Club’s website which gives an insight into her lifetime’s achievements and dedication to her work:   https://www.pkwk.pl/language/en/krystyna-karaszewska-a-farewell/
Following the 2022 WAHO Jordan Conference, we are very pleased to announce that the Asociacion De Criadores De Caballos Arabes – Bolivia is now a full Registering Authority Member of WAHO in good standing.  We welcome Bolivia to the WAHO family.  Contact details can be found in the list of Registering Authority Members on this website.
We are also pleased to announce that further to the vote of the delegates to the WAHO General Assembly, permission has been granted for Oman to act as the caretaker Registry for the Arabian horses in Tanzania, and for Zimbabwe to act as the caretaker Registry for the Arabian horses in Lesotho.
We would also remind you that it was previously agreed that Germany would act as the caretaker Registry for the Arabian horses in Albania.


Photo by Press Association / Danny Lawson.

We are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and deeply thankful for her lifetime of such devoted service to us all.  Well known for her love of horses, her beautiful and happy smile was so often seen when visiting her horses or attending equestrian events.  An accomplished rider all her life, the late Queen’s knowledge as an owner and breeder of Thoroughbred racehorses and of several British native breeds was unsurpassed.  Her Majesty also enjoyed seeing her two Arabian stallions, received as gifts in 2013 from H.M. The King of Bahrain.  As tributes expressing deep respect and affection have poured in from around the world, it is clear that Her Majesty will be greatly missed by so many, for so many reasons, but especially by all of us in the equestrian community worldwide.  On behalf of all the Members of the World Arabian Horse Organization, we extend our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family.

Her Majesty’s Arabian stallions, Mlolshaan Mahrous and Tuwaisaan Tha’atha’a



We are very pleased to inform you that the brochures and registration forms for the forthcoming WAHO General Assembly in Amman, Jordan in October have now been sent out by airmail to all our Members. In the meanwhile, we are pleased to provide links here to the .pfs of the main brochure WAHO Conference Brochure Jordan 2022, which includes the daily Conference Programme, and the Tours Brochure Pre and Post Tour Brochure 2022.  Registration forms may be be requested from either the WAHO Office at thewahooffice@gmail.com  or from the WAHO Conference Office in Amman on waho.jo22@gmail.com, which will also be able to assist you if you require any further information.  The dedicated Conference website, with all the same information, is now live at this website www.wahojo.com  We are all looking forward to meeting again in Amman in October.   If you would like to join us but are not already a WAHO member, WAHO Individual Associate Membership application forms can be requested from the WAHO Office.


WAHO is pleased to announce that the Executive Committee have approved a request from the Arab Horse Society of Zimbabwe to act as the caretaker Registry for Lesotho, and for the Arabian Stud Book Authority of Oman to act as the caretaker Registry for Tanzania.  A confirmatory vote of the Delegates to the forthcoming WAHO General Assembly in Amman, Jordan in October will be required to fully ratify this decision.  In the meanwhile, export documents for horses going to Lesotho should be sent to the Registrar in Zimbabwe, and for horses going to Tanzania should be sent to the Registrar in Oman.  Addresses can be found on this page  http://www.waho.org/list-of-registering-authority-members-2/



Please note change of email address. Our usual email (waho@btconnect.com) is currently not working properly.  Until further notice, please use wahoexecsec@gmail.com

For all Membership enquiries and renewals, please use the email  thewahooffice@gmail.com

Many thanks

Katrina Murray, Executive Secretary, WAHO


For the provisional schedule for the 2022 WAHO Conference in Jordan, please click the link WAHO Conference Jordan 2022



We are delighted to announce that the WAHO Registering Authority Member in Germany, VZAP, has agreed to become the responsible caretaker Registry for Arabian horses in the country of Albania, effective from 1st December 2021.  All export documents should be sent to Marion Buerger at the VZAP Office.


It has to come to WAHO’s attention that fraudulent emails are being sent to our Members which appear to have been sent by WAHO President, Peter Pond.  However, the email address they are sent from is not Peter’s.  The emails we have seen so far have the subject line “WAHO Delegate Support Request” and the email address they have been sent from ends in “yopmail.com”

We further understand that similar emails have been sent out under the name of Jaroslav Lacina, President of ECAHO.

The sender is a scammer who is trying to tempt you to reply, with the intention of extracting money from you.  The emails are in good English and the follow-up ones we have seen appear to show some knowledge of both WAHO and ECAHO.  If you receive any such emails you must not reply, just delete them immediately, and block the sender.  We also advise you to adjust your email setting to block all emails from “yopmail.com” as these are often used by cyber-criminals.



 Date:  14 October 2020

 To:          All WAHO Members


Following recent discussions between WAHO and our generous hosts at the Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation, and after much deliberation, the decision has been made to postpone the 2021 WAHO Jordan Conference.  This is obviously due to the uncertainties regarding the course the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic will take over the coming months.

At present, due to the very strict lockdown in Jordan, it is simply not possible for our hosts to finalize their plans.  This means we cannot prepare the conference brochures, registration forms and so on, which we would normally be doing now, one year in advance of a WAHO Conference.  If we did go ahead with the October 2021 dates as planned, and then have to cancel, it would cause far more disruption for our hosts and our members than to announce a postponement now.  As you can imagine, this decision was not taken lightly.

The current plan is to rearrange suitable dates for the WAHO Jordan Conference to be held either in Spring 2022, perhaps late March or early April, or if necessary to postpone for a full year to early October 2022.  As we do not yet know how long it will take for an effective vaccine to be universally available, and when the many and various international travel restrictions to and from all our Member countries will be lifted, it is clearly not sensible to select and announce new dates until the situation is a bit more clear.  It is hoped that by early next year it will be possible to decide on this.  We will of course keep you informed.

We hope this message finds you safe and well in these difficult times.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at the WAHO Office if you have any queries.

Katrina Murray

Executive Secretary, WAHO



Dear WAHO Members

As you all know, the unprecedented situation caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to evolve, with daily changes to the way in which every aspect of our lives and work are being affected, wherever we live and keep our horses.

We are now aware that many of our Registering Authority Members have had to close their offices, some are able to do a certain amount of work from home, others are even more restricted.  This is obviously going to cause delays in processing both domestic and export documentation, and also to general routine communications between our Member registries.  Please be patient with each other in these difficult times.



THE WAHO OFFICE WILL REMAIN OPEN.  We are fortunate that the WAHO office is located well away from neighbouring properties in a very rural area.  Joanne can work from home if necessary and as most of you know, Katrina lives in the same property as the WAHO Office.  So we will be here to assist all our Members as much as we can, and to keep lines of communication open.

In many countries, the work of veterinarians and field officers is also now being heavily curtailed, so for example visiting farms to take foal markings, implant microchips and take samples for DNA profiling are being affected.  This may also impact on this year’s breeding season, particularly for those using A.I., transported semen or embryo transfer, as travel restrictions both domestic and international are increasingly imposed, which is also likely to have an effect on international horse transport.

In the weeks and months ahead this situation will therefore continue to impact on all organised equine activity and competitions of every kind, as they are cancelled or postponed across the horse world in general, including all those in which our Arabian horses take part.  WAHO recognizes the additional strain this will put on all our members.

Due to the international nature of our Organization, WAHO is unable to offer specific advice to our Arabian horse owners, as each country has a different set of circumstances and restrictions in place. We feel sure you are already following the recommendations of your own Public Health and Government authorities, which have their own websites with updates and information.  We also note that the Equestrian Federations and Breed Societies in many countries are posting and regularly updating useful information on their websites or social media pages.  Your country’s veterinary services and individual veterinary practices may also have useful information available online, which will be of assistance to all of us who own or breed horses.

As more general advice, we would advise that those who are able to continue to enjoy their horses should do so within their own Government requirements. However, planning for a period of self-isolation or enforced lockdown should be considered if you haven’t already done so. Having alternative arrangements in place if you have a horse to care for, ordering adequate supplies in, writing down a care plan for your horse with feeding and exercise or turn-out details, and organising any essential vet or farrier visits in good time, especially for vaccinations, would be prudent measures at this stage.

Here is a current example of advice from the British Horse Society here in the United Kingdom, which may have useful information to adapt for your own situation:


We recognize that this is a very worrying time for everyone, including all of us in the international ‘family’ of WAHO.  We sincerely wish that you are all able to stay safe, and we do ask you to please keep in touch with each other and with WAHO if possible, as we do our best to work together and help each other through these dangerous times, however we can.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your queries or concerns.

With our best wishes to you all,

Katrina Murray, Executive Secretary, WAHO:  email:  waho@btconnect.com

Joanne Minter, Membership Secretary:  email: thewahooffice@gmail.com
Tel:  +44 1684 274455



It was with great shock and sadness that we learned that Mr. Wolfgang Eberhardt passed away suddenly on 27 October, 2019. Perhaps best known internationally as the highly respected President of VZAP and organizer of the All Nations Cup in Aachen, his many and varied great contributions over the years to the Arabian horse communities in Germany and worldwide have been of the utmost importance, and will never be forgotten. A Life Individual Member of WAHO since 1982, all of us in WAHO held him in the highest esteem. We send our sincerest condolences to his wife Sylvie and to his family and friends.


We are delighted to inform you that Ukraine was accepted as an Applying Registering Authority Member of WAHO by unanimous vote of both the WAHO Executive Committee and the Voting Delegates at the 2019 WAHO Australia Conference and General Assembly.

WAHO is therefore very pleased to welcome Ukraine as the most recently accepted Applying Registering Authority Member of this Organization.

The Ukrainian Arabian Stud Book, under the authority of the government approved Ukrainian Horse Breeders Association, is already working closely with the WAHO office to prepare their first Arabian Stud Book.

Please note that anyone exporting horses to Ukraine must inform their Registry and request export certificates, so the horses can be properly tracked and included in their new Stud Book in due course.


WAHO is pleased to welcome our two most recent new Associate Members. Contact details can be found at the Associate Members page of this website.

From France: Association Française du Cheval Arabe de Course – AFAC

From Romania: Romanian Arab Horse Racing Organization (Asociaţia Română a Calului Arab de Curse – ARAC).


The Arabian Horse Center – Bait Al Arab Kuwait State Stud produces and publishes the ‘Arabian Horse Letter’ quarterly in Arabic and in English. It’s a ‘non commercial’ newsletter, fully financed by Bait Al Arab with no advertisements. It includes the following sections:

  • Arabian Horse News: Informing the reader about the Arabian Horse related activities in Kuwait and activities of Kuwaiti Breeders abroad
  • Arabian Horse Culture – Art: Introducing artists (painters & / or sculptors) who depict Arabian Horses
  • Arabian Horse Culture – History: Publishing reports of persons who traveled through the Arabian Peninsula, had contact or even lived for some time with the tribes and learnt from them about the Arabian Horse; publishing reports about old strains etc.
  • Arabian Horse Education: Introducing dam and sire lines, breeders from the 19th and 20th Century, reporting about scientific subjects etc.

These newsletters are available for download as PDF Files on the webpage of Bait Al Arab: https://www.baitalarab-kw.com/#page/81

WAHO 2019 Conference Australia | Registration Now Open

A World of Wonder Down Under Awaits…

WAHO 2019 Conference Australia
04-08 February | WAHO Conference – Terrigal NSW
01-04 February | Pre-Conference Tours – Sydney NSW
09-17 February | Post-Conference Tours – Hunter Valley, Victoria, Queensland & New Zealand

Registration Materials & Extensive Information Available Online
Keep up to date with Conference news on facebook!

For all enquiries, or to request a Conference Brochure and Registration forms by airmail, please feel free to contact either the WAHO Office at waho@btconnect.com or the Conference Office at info@WAHO2019Australia.com

To download the WAHO 2019 Conference Registration form, please click here!
To download the WAHO 2019 Conference Brochure, please click here!

Office Telephone: +61 2 4577 5366 | OFFICE HOURS 8:30AM — 4:00PM AEST (LOCAL TIME) MONDAY TO FRIDAY

Please click on the picture, to get the latest WAHO Conference 2019 information leaflet, including the program for the Conference as well as preliminary information on the pre- and post-conference tours.

GDPR Data Consent

Dear WAHO Members

The World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) needs to keep in good contact with all categories of our Membership. At the same time, your privacy is important to us. With the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation coming into force on 25th May 2018, we would like to be clear and transparent in how we collect, record, use and protect your personal details. We have therefore updated our Privacy Policy in line with the new Regulation, please click [here] to read it in full.

In brief, our WAHO Membership database is not online and WAHO does not collect, store, keep or use any personal information other than your contact details. WAHO will never sell your information to other companies for marketing purposes.

The names and addresses of our Executive Committee, and the full contact details of our Registering Authority Members and of our Associate Members are available to the public and kept up to date on the WAHO website. The contact details of our Individual Associate Members are not available to the public and are not shown on the WAHO website, with the exception of links to your own websites when you have specifically requested this.

For our Registering Authority Members and our Associate Members the information we hold consists of the organization’s name, contact name(s), address, phone and fax numbers, email address and website if applicable. For our Individual Associate Members, the information we hold consists only of the details you provided to us on your Membership Application form and any later updates: your name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address and website if applicable. WAHO does not pass on any contact details of our Individual Associate Members to non-members, except when we provide address labels for Conference mail-outs to our Conference hosts. Our printed Membership Directory is only distributed to our members and Individual Associate Members can control the content of their information to be included in it. Our members can inform us of updates to contact details or their wish to retire from membership at any time.

Our understanding is that as you have not unsubscribed from our WAHO membership communications, including newsletters, updates and invitations to WAHO Conferences, that you are happy to continue to receive these, either by email or by post. If, however, you do not wish to receive these WAHO membership communications please take a few minutes to contact us and inform us accordingly. You can manage your communication preferences at any time. Please contact us directly at this email: waho@btconnect.com

WAHO thanks all our members, in every category, for their continued support.



All of us at WAHO were deeply saddened to learn that Dr. Nasr Marei passed away on 17 October 2017.
A Life Member of WAHO since 1973, Dr. Marei was world-famous as a master breeder, with many generations of home-bred beautiful Arabians at his celebrated Albadeia Stud in Egypt. Dr. Marei was always a gentleman, generous with advice to fellow breeders, an excellent teacher and a kind mentor to new judges. A talented photographer and writer, he was a renowned breed expert, travelling the world to share his knowledge, but it was always clear that he was at his happiest when he was at home with his beloved horses and dogs.
We send our most sincere condolences to his friends and family, and hope that they will be comforted by the knowledge that although Dr. Nasr Marei will be greatly missed by his many friends around the world, he will never be forgotten.
You may also read his obituary on IN THE FOCUS.



All of us in WAHO were very saddened to receive the news that Dr. Manuel Domingues-Heleno, until recently the President of the Portuguese Arabian Horse Society, passed away on the 19th September 2017, after a long illness which he fought very bravely.
For very many years Manuel was a great friend to WAHO, and to the Arabian horse both in Portugal and world-wide. It was always such a great pleasure to see him and learn from his great experience when he attended the WAHO Conferences. We all had the greatest respect for him. His reports to the Conferences were always full of interesting information and detail, it was clear that he took the greatest pride in the achievements of the Arabian horses of Portugal, especially their capabilities under saddle in many different disciplines. As a horseman and rider, he was supremely talented. We feel sure his important legacy will live on in Portugal through the many wonderful horses produced by his long-term breeding programme at his famous Haras Biarritz. He will always be remembered with great affection by all his many friends around the world in the international family of WAHO.
We send our most sincere condolences to all his family for their loss.



We are delighted to inform you that China was accepted as an Applying Registering Authority Member of WAHO at the 2017 WAHO Bahrain Conference. The China Arabian Horse Association, under the authority of the China Stud Book Committee which is part of the China Horse Industry Association, will be working closely with the WAHO office and the Registries from which the 200 or so Arabian horses currently known to be in China were imported. They hope to have their first Arabian Stud Book completed in time for acceptance at the 2019 WAHO Conference. It is very important that anyone exporting horses to China informs their Registry and requests export certificates, so the horses can be properly tracked and included in the new Stud Book in due course.



We are also pleased to welcome WAHO’s most recent Associate Member, The Palestine Equestrian Federation.



During the 2017 WAHO Bahrain Conference in February, the issue of equine welfare problems in endurance events was raised in a well-received speech by Peter Pond. He emphasised that the issue of equine welfare in its many and varied aspects has come increasingly important to all at WAHO, saying: “In this regard it is my very sad duty to report to you that from all of the available published evidence and information it is increasingly clear that our Arabian horses are suffering and indeed dying in the name of sport. I refer of course to what has been happening in some areas in endurance competitions, in which our Arabian horses are very much involved. Just in the last few weeks at least nine horses have been reported as fatally injured in certain endurance races, and I use the word races advisedly due to the very high speeds being recorded on some recent rides, and we never even hear of horses injured or dying in training, or even soon after a ride at which they were retired.
All of us on the Executive Committee are extremely disturbed by this chain of events. In our opinion this rate of attrition rates as serious abuse of all the horses taking part. From WAHO’s point of view we are of course, especially concerned about the fate of the many Arabians and derivative Arabians involved. It is deeply shocking and it simply cannot be allowed to continue without our voices being raised in defence of these horses. These horses have no voice of their own and no choice but to go at the speeds dictated by their riders. Arabian horses have tremendous heart, tremendous courage and tremendous bravery, which is why they are the chosen breed for endurance. To stay silent and effectively abandon them to the fate would be to go against our core values and objectives.
I can now assure you that the Executive Committee will be writing a strong letter to the F.E.I. very soon to put pressure on them to find a solution and quickly, to this serious situation. Our Arabian horses and indeed any horses do not deserve to suffer such ill treatment at the hands of humans, who should know better. The ruling bodies of this sport which in most countries is run under the National rules and International FEI rules must find a way to resolve this issue as fast as possible. We will ensure that all our Member countries receive a copy of this letter and we would strongly encourage each of you to write in a similar vein both to your own National endurance or equestrian Federations and to the FEI as well. The more we can show a united front and allow our core voices, speaking up in unison for our horses as a cohesive and strong global Arabian horse community, the more likely it is that those with the power to enforce suitable rule changes will take notice.”

Following the Conference, a letter was sent, as promised, to the President of the F.E.I. and a reply has been duly received. The letters can be read here:
Letter of WAHO to FEI
Reply of FEI to WAHO


available for one form of OAAM in Arabian Horses

The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the University of California (UC Davis) has recently made a new test available.

Occipitoatlantoaxial malformation (OAAM) is a developmental defect in which the first cervical vertebra (atlas) resembles the base of the skull (occiput) and the second cervical vertebra (axis) resembles the atlas. Affected individuals demonstrate an abnormal posture, with the neck extended, and varying degrees of ataxia. OAAM is presumed to be inherited as an autosomal recessive defect in Arabian horses but different mutations appear to be involved. One such mutation consists of a large deletion in the homeobox gene cluster (HOX) has been identified by researchers at the School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis that is associated with one form of OAAM in Arabians. The genetic basis for other forms of OAAM are under investigation.

The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory is now offering a DNA test using hair samples for the recently identified OAAM mutation. The test is recommended for horses in Arabian lineages that have produced OAAM affected foals. Information from the test helps breeders and owners to identify carrier horses and to select mating pairs accordingly to avoid producing affected foals.
Further information and cost details for the test can be found at this link (click)



It is with great sorrow and regret that we must inform you that Baroness Ilse von Heske-Bothenwald lost her life in a dreadful crime which took place at her home on 29 December 2016, at the age of 74. This tragic event has shocked her many friends in Austria and around the world. For several decades Mrs. Ilse von Heske had been the Manager of the Austrian Arab Horse Society and Registrar of their Stud Book. She was definitely one of the most competent and experienced registrars in all of WAHO, she was tireless in helping the owners and breeders in Austria as well as communicating with all the other Registrars around the world, and with WAHO, in a professional and friendly way. Her passing leaves a great gap which will be very hard to fill and she will be greatly missed. All of us at WAHO extend our deepest sympathies to her family and all the members of the VVOE.

Until further notice, all inter-registry correspondence should be sent to Mrs. Anne Heiloo, President of the VVOE.
Contact details may be found here!


26th February 2016

Some of our WAHO Members are already aware of what has happened in Poland in the past week. For those of you who are not, a quick summary is that due to the rapid and sweeping changes brought in by the recently elected Polish government, several hundred directors or managers of state enterprises at all levels and professions have already been replaced in their posts. This is in accordance with a new law which allows that more than 1,600 civil service directors, who are apolitical, can be sacked and replaced without the need for a competitive board.

It had been hoped this would not affect the Arabian State Studs, which have always been protected by Poland’s previous governments, whatever their politics, as they were considered as National Treasures because of their importance to the nation as a whole.

Unfortunately, on Friday 19th February 2016 this hope was destroyed. In the late afternoon, Dr. Marek Trela (Director of Janów Podlaski Stud and WAHO Vice President), Mr. Jerzy Białobok (Director of Michałów Stud) and Mrs. Anna Stojanowska (Inspector of Horse Breeding at the Agricultural State Property Agency) were simultaneously dismissed from their posts with no warning and no reasons given to them by the authorities. Since then, the Agricultural State Property Agency (ANR) has appointed a new individual at both Janów Podlaski and Michałów to take over the management, but from available information neither appears to have the level of experience necessary for such an important task.

This action, which has quickly reverberated around the world, is of immense concern to WAHO, as we believe that the safe future of these iconic State Studs with their long history and continuity of breeding has been put at risk. We therefore felt it imperative to act by expressing this concern to the authorities in Poland. The letter reproduced below was sent respectively to the President of Poland Mr. Andrzej Duda, to the Prime Minister Mrs. Beata Szydło, to the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Krzysztof Jurgiel, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Witold Waszczykowski and to the President of the Agricultural State Property Agency Mr. Waldemar Humięcki.

Download our Letter to HE The President of Poland from the President of WAHO here.


71 years ago this month, Janów Podlaski's groom Jan Ziniewicz was responsible for saving the stallions Witraz and Wielki Szlem during the Allied fire-bombing of Dresden. In this later photo he is shown holding the stallions Almifar (grandson of Witraz) and Czort (son of Wielki Szlem).

71 years ago this month, Janów Podlaski’s groom Jan Ziniewicz was responsible for saving the stallions Witraz and Wielki Szlem during the Allied fire-bombing of Dresden. In this later photo he is shown holding the stallions Almifar (grandson of Witraz) and Czort (son of Wielki Szlem).

WAHO would like to reassure our Members that Dr. Marek Trela of course continues in his position as our highly valued and internationally respected Vice President, with our full support.

The WAHO Executive Committee is also sure we can rely on all our WAHO Registering Authority Members, Associate Members and Individual Associate Members to support not only Dr. Marek Trela, but also Mr. Jerzy Białobok and Mrs Anna Stojanowska, who have been largely responsible for continuing to raise the international reputation of the Polish State Studs’ Arabian horse breeding programmes. Between them have over 100 collective years experience of working at and with the Polish Arabian State Studs, and as such they are rightfully held in the highest regard around the world. To lose this wealth of wisdom overnight, without allowing them the opportunity to pass on their knowledge to their successors, would create a great risk to the successful breeding programmes of Poland and thereby to the many WAHO Members around the world who rely on incorporating Polish Arabians into their breeding programmes. WAHO sincerely hopes the Government of Poland will reconsider their decision.


Photo: Anette Mattson

Janow Podlaski Photo: Anette Mattson

Photo: Anette Mattson

Janow Podlaski Photo: Anette Mattson

Photo: Anette Mattson

Michalow Stud Photo: Anette Mattson


The Brooks Equine Genetics Laboratory at the University of Florida in America is working to identify the genetic cause of Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy (JIE) in Arabian horses. The project is led by Assistant Professor Samantha Brooks, who many of you will remember as one of our excellent Guest Speakers at the 2011 WAHO Conference, and is funded in part by the Arabian Horse Foundation (AHF) which is a WAHO Associate Member. The researchers are seeking to identify the mode of inheritance, identify the mutation(s) associated with JIE and ultimately develop a diagnostic test to assist owners and breeders in identifying carrier breeding stock.

To advance this research project, assistance from the Arabian horse community is requested. DNA samples are needed from horses that have been previously diagnosed with JIE, as well as horses that have had an offspring with JIE. All studies are confidential, so participant and horse identity will not be released.

“This project is an expansion of the Arabian Horse Foundation’s support of research into genetic disorders of particular interest to the Arabian horse breed,” stated Beth Minnich, chair of the AHF’s Research Advisory Panel. “While JIE is thought to be a genetic disorder, no extensive work has been done to identify the exact genetic mode of inheritance or the proposed relationship with lavender foal syndrome.”

Juvenile idiopathic epilepsy is a seizure disorder and affected foals usually begin exhibiting clinical signs between two days and six months of age. The seizures exhibited by affected foals generally begin with muscle stiffness all over the body and the foal might fall over. After the stiffening ceases, rapid muscle contractions then begin all over the body. The seizures can last from only a few seconds up to about five minutes. During this time the horse could lose consciousness or possibly injure itself either falling over or thrashing on the ground. Once the episode has ended the foal usually exhibits some temporary post-seizure signs including blindness, lethargy, and disorientation. Once the horse has outgrown the seizures it can usually go on to live a normal healthy life. Anti-seizure medications have been effective in reducing frequency and severity of the seizures and are helpful in decreasing risk of injury during an episode.

Interested Arabian owners can contact the Brooks Equine Genetics Laboratory, Department of Animal Sciences, PO Box 110910, Gainesville, Florida 32611, U.S.A. for more information on participating in this study. Telephone number: +1-352-273-8080; email: equinegenetics@ifas.ufl.edu

Further information about the Arabian Horse Foundation can be found at their website.


WELCOME to ECUADOR and to SERBIA: It gives us great pleasure to announce that, during the 2014 WAHO Conference, two new countries – Ecuador and Serbia – were warmly welcomed to full Registering Authority Membership, with their horses accepted into the WAHO Definition, having completed all necessary requirements during their time as Applying Members, and having published their first WAHO approved studbook.