NIL NOUZA, Grey Mare, *1994 (Gips / Nil Nubia).
Breeder: Urs & Brigitte Aeschbacher-Kocher, Nile Arabian Stud; Owner: Urs Aeschbacher.
Strain: Kehaileh Rodania (Rodania 1869).
In 2005 Nil Nouza was the highest scored horse at the Swiss National Show in Berne and was nominated by the SZAP (Schweizerische Zuchtgenossenschaft für Arabische Pferde) as “The best bred Arabian horse in Switzerland”. This title was given to her twice before, in 1995 and 1999. In 2005, at the same show, Nil Nouza’s daughter Nil Nana by Extreme reached the highest score among the one to three year old horses.
The 11-year old Gips daughter Nil Nouza represents the fourth generation of “Nile Breeding” of the Nile Arabian Stud in Switzerland. Her great-grandmother, the straight Egyptian mare Naya (Kaisoon x Nana) was one of Nile Arabians’ foundation mares. Nil Nouza’s mother Nil Nubia (Versal x Nil Najada by Ansata Halim Shah) represents one of the early and successful products originating from breeding Straight Egyptian mares to Russian stallions in the late 1980s.

Nil Nouza, Sziterland’s 2005 WAHO Trophy winner.
(Photo credit: Mrs. Bee Schellenberg-Gersbach)