NADIRAH AL RASHEDIAH, Bay mare, 2015 (ZT Faa’iq / NK Naeema)
Breeder & Owner: Mr. Abdulrahman Aljasmi
Strain: Hadbah Enzahieh (Venus)
Bahrain’s 2018 WAHO Trophy has been awarded to the beautiful young mare Nadirah Al Rashediah, in recognition of her excellent international achievements in the show ring. Her achievements include Gold Junior Female Champion at the 2018 Gulf Straight Egyptian Arabian Cup in Dammam, Saudi Arabia and Silver Yearling Filly Champion at the Milan Straight Egyptian World Championship Show in 2016.

Trophy presentation by H.M. King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa (centre) to Mr. Abdulrahman Aljasmi (left).
The Trophy was presented by His Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa to the proud breeder and owner, Mr. Abdulrahman Aljasmi.

Nadirah Al Rashediah winning Gold Championship title.

Nadirah Al Rashediah at her home studfarm at 2017 WAHO Conference parade.