ETERNITY IBN NAVARRONE-D, Grey Stallion, 1997 (Ansata Sinan/Navarrone “P”)
Breeder: Mr. & Mrs. Despeghel-Van Hee, Dion Arabians
Owner: Mrs. Martine Van Hee
Belgium has awarded their 2016 WAHO Trophy to the internationally renowned stallion, Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D.

Photo L-R: Gerard Oben, Martine Van Hee, Tom Shoukens. Photo credit: Jan Kan
He was born into the loving hands of Martine Van Hee on 9th June 1997. Observing his first steps, it struck Martine after only a few minutes… A star was born!
Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D follows the lead of his mother: the world-famous mare Navarrone “P”, herself a former winner of Belgium’s WAHO Trophy in 2007. That same honour being conferred to Eternity now, makes Martine very proud.
His renowned show record, from his debut in 1997 as Belgian foal champion to his last title as 2015 Platinum Champion in Paris, is too long a list to elaborate on. Altogether Eternity won 23 titles. These are only some of his fantastic eye catchers:
- 4 times Belgian National Champion
- European Junior Champion in 1999
- ECAHO Champion Stallion of the Year in 2004
- Dubai Champion Stallion in 2005
- Twice All Nations Cup Champion in Aachen, in 2004 and 2007
- Junior World Champion in Paris in 1999
- Senior World Champion in Paris in 2004
- Platinum World Champion in Paris in 2015
Not only as a show horse, but also as a breeding stallion Eternity has made his mark. These are but a few of the champions bred by Martine herself:
- Destiny Bint Eternity-D won gold as a yearling at the Tulip Cup in the Netherlands, gold in Wels (Austria), gold at the Elran Cup and gold at the All Nations Cup.
- Nijem Ibn Eternity was Triple Crowned Champion.
- Noor Bint Eternity-D was National Champion and International Champion in the UAE
- Jhullyus Ibn Eternity-D was National and International Champion and European Reserve Junior Champion
- Hypnotic Ibn Eternity-D was Belgian National Champion, International Champion and European Reserve Champion
- Fever Ibn Eternity-D was European Junior Champion
There are many more International and National Champions all over the world!
To crown his show record and at the same time end his show career, Eternity was awarded the 2015 Platinum Trophy in Paris. Martine obviously hopes for Eternity to remain in good health for many more years, and for him to produce many more outstanding foals.