SCUDSLY, Grey stallion, *1991 (Hamadahn / Shela).
Breeder and owner: Mr. Said Khair.
Strain: Seglawi Jedran of Ibn Soudan (Ghazieh).
Scudsly has represented Jordan in the international show ring in Qatar, at the World Championships in Paris (achieving 2nd place in his class and Top Ten ranking) and as a yearling he won his class at the Mediterranean and Arab Countries Championships in Menton. Closer to home, he is a multiple National and International (Middle East) Champion.
In 2005 Scudsly was awarded the highest points for a Jordanian bred horse at the International Middle East Championships Show in Amman, he is also on the ECAHO list of “star” horses (one of only two Jordanian horses to reach this accolade). An excellent and prepotent sire, he has won the prestigious Sire Produce award in Jordan at the National and Middle East Championships several times in the past. His progeny have also done well at the Jordanian shows, so The Royal Jordanian Stud Book Authority considered him to be an excellent representative of the Arabian horses bred in Jordan and a deserving winner of the 2005 WAHO Trophy.

Jordan 2005 WAHO Trophy Winnder Scudsly (Photo credit: Reindert Jansen)