NGAPA JOUSSIF, Grey stallion, 1977 (Grey Swirl / Ngapa Maid).
Breeder: Owners: Linda & Stuart Cottle, Delight Arab Horse Stud.
Strain: Dahman Um Amr of Ibn Hemsi (Dahma 1876).
The New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders Society Inc. have awarded their 2006 WAHO Trophy to the veteran stallion, Ngapa Joussif. A highly valued working Arabian stock horse and good mate for his owner Stuart, ‘Joussif’ has been a valued part of the Cottle family for 22 years, since he was 7 years old. Always very reliable, kind and energetic to ride, he also was unflappable with working dogs barking around him, and a stock whip being used off his back when working cattle, this very versatile athletic horse achieved many “Converts to the Arabian Horse Faith” and gained much respect for the Arab Breed in an area which was a notoriously anti-arabian.
Joussif is always very much a “gentleman”, very good with mares and to handle. He was well behaved in company and went on several CTR rides accompanying our children on their ponies. He was likened to a Rolls Royce or Mercedes to ride by several very good riders and was a natural at jumping with the comment being made by two very experienced Show & one-day event riders that he was “the best horse I’ve ever ridden – so light, smooth, supple and responsive”. His ridden career was ended at 22 due to a serious injury, nowadays Joussif is enjoying retirement and looks very well at 29 years of age.
A very good ambassador for the Arabian breed both within New Zealand & internationally due to his progeny and in particular his son Zephyr’s great achievements which put New Zealand Endurance “on the map” in the mid 90’s both at home and overseas. This international recognition is continuing with eight “Joussif horses” now having been exported and successes such as ‘Zanthus’ winning a Heavyweight Quilty & BC, plus he has recently won an important 120km race in Dubai in a very fast time. Joussif has therefore achieved International recognition for New Zealand bred Arabian horses.
As a youngster only Joussif did very well in halter classes, but was not shown since due to no fault of his own, just because where he lived there were very few shows. His progeny however have done exceptionally well in the show ring, in particular ‘Delights Azeem’ has achieved a New Zealand National Supreme Exhibit title. Joussif has in fact produced many halter and ridden show winners in New Zealand which have also successfully competed under saddle against other breeds, thus helping to achieve a better reputation for Arabians. He epitomizes the real genuine “New Zealand-bred Performance Sire” and has made such a tremendous contribution to his country’s Arabian horse scene, particularly in endurance.

Linda & Stuart Cottle with Ngapa Joussif