NADER, Grey Stallion, 1981 (Eidan / Nadra).
Breeder and Owner: King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Centre.
Strain: Hamdani Simri (Lateefa OA, 1951).
For 2006, the WAHO Trophy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been presented to Nader, a 26-year old Pure Saudi Desert-Bred Arabian stallion of the Hamdani strain. His sire, Eidan, another very important foundation Desert-Bred stallion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was of the Sowaiti Al Firm strain. Nader is owned by the King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Centre.
At a luncheon and reception held on January 14, 2007, Dr. Fahd Bin Abdul Rahman Bal Ghunaim, the Minister of Agriculture, presented the Trophy to Nader and Mr. Sami Al Nohait, Director General of the King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Centre and WAHO Executive Committee member.

Dr. Fahd Bin Abdul Rahman Bal Ghunaim, the Minister of Agriculture, presents the WAHO Trophy to
Nader and Mr. Sami Al Nohait, Director General of the King Abdul Aziz Arabian Horse Centre.
Since starting his breeding career with his first foals born in 1988, Nader has established his own dynasty of Pure Saudi Desert-Bred Arabian horses. At the 2005 Saudi National Championships Arabian Horse Show, he was selected as the Reserve Champion Desert Bred Stallion to his own son, Kayed Al Thani. At the recent First Riyadh Arabian Horse Show 2007, his grand-get were Champion Desert Bred Filly, Colt and Stallion, and his daughter Khuzama was the Reserve Champion Mare.
This wonderful old stallion exhibits excellent dry type, conformation and movement, he is of the utmost importance to the preservation of the rare Pure Saudi Desert-Bred Arabian horses, he is leaving a lasting legacy in the Kingdom and is a very worthy winner of the 2006 WAHO Trophy.