Mr. Xavier Guibert
In terms of my personal and more direct interests with horses, I started riding at an early age, and in 1968 I was the French Junior Showjumping Champion. Since 1980 I have been a National Judge for Show Jumping and Eventing for the French National Equestrian Federation, since 1999 I have been an International FEI steward in Eventing, and since 1988 I have been an ECAHO judge for Arabian shows, with many judging appointments all over the world, mainly since my professional retirement.
Concerning purebred Arabian horses and WAHO, my connection with the Organization dates back to 1974, when I produced the report on the French Arab Stud Book for the WAHO inspection team of Dr. Pesi Gazder and Mr. Ronald Kydd. In the same year I participated at the Malmö WAHO General Assembly as a member of the French delegation and also produced a final study report on “the Pure Bred Arab in the World”. In 1988 I made a report to the General Assembly in London on Purebred Arabian stud book management around the world. Since 1986 I have attended almost all WAHO and ECAHO General Assemblies as the delegate for France, and have also been the delegate to the EAHRIC Committee of ECAHO, and to the WAHO World Registrars meetings.
I have been a member of the WAHO Executive Committee since 2006, and Chairman of the WAHO World Registrars Meetings since 2014. For many years I have also been WAHO’s liaison person to WHIRDEC meetings and for all dealings with the EU Commission on their directives concerning equines. I have always felt very strongly that international collaboration is of the utmost importance, and I will continue to devote my time to working for WAHO and to further improve and strengthen the communication and cooperation between all the member registries.