MALAK, Grey stallion, *1985 (Maddah / Husnia).
Breeder: Brigitte Kuebe. Owner: Farm J.V. Hykl.
Strain: Kehailan Rodan (Rodania, 1869).
ACHPAK is pleased to report the award of their 2008 WAHO Trophy to the important stallion, Malak, whon has proved to be the best breeding sire in the country in the past. Of ‘straight Egyptian’ bloodlines, he has influenced Czech breeding a great deal, and his offspring have received many titles during our shows. He also has a fantastic character and was an exceptionally good riding horse. His owner called him, simply, “our Aristocrat”. The Czech breeders recognized this and rewarded him with the award of this Trophy.

Malak (taken at 15 years old)