LIANA EL BARAKA, Grey Mare, 1998 (Pegase EF / Zora Arabia).
Breeder: S.A.R.L. Najia Arabians. Owners: Pascale & Christian Manoha, Haras de la Majorie. Rider: Stephanie Arnal.
Strain: Jelfet El Dehoua (Wadha 1874)
The Association Nationale Francaise du Cheval Arabe decided that the 2006 WAHO Trophy for France would be again be awarded on the occasion of the World Young Horse Endurance Riding Championship, an event with which WAHO is proud to be associated. For 2006, the FEI has awarded this important event the status of “World Breeding Championships for Young Horses”. This major event for horses of 7 and 8 years old has very strict veterinary controls, it was held at Compiègne in August as part of the World Endurance Festival. The championship took place over a 120 km course, with 100 horses entered from 16 nations, of which 84 started and 48 finished. The winner of the 2006 WAHO Trophy for France, Liana El Baraka, came second in the Championships at an average speed of 18.85 kph. She was selected as the WAHO Trophy winner because she took the coveted Best Condition Award with the best recovery times at the veterinary gates.
This beautiful 8 year old grey mare has an interesting pedigree which blends old French and Algerian lines with Russian and Marbach lines plus a touch of Polish blood. She has achieved high honours in the halter arena, including twice Junior Female Champion at C shows and also Junior Female Reserve French National Champion. She is an excellent ambassador for the Arabian breed, now competing with distinction in the growing sport of endurance riding which enjoys great popularity in France.
Endurance riding at this levels offers the ultimate challenge in equestrian sports, but it is the sport at which the Arabian horse most excels. The Association Nationale Francaise du Cheval Arabe was especially proud to be able to reinforce the success of the Arabian, and particularly of a French-bred Arabian with a successful previous show career, in winning such a prestigious event against competitors from all over the world and against horses of other breeds. Dr. Hans-J. Nagel, WAHO President, attended the event and presented the WAHO Trophy to Liana El Baraka and her rider, Stephanie Arnal.

Christian Depuille and Dr. Hans-J. Nagel present the
2006 WAHO Trophy to Liana El Baraka & her rider, Stepahnie Arnal.