EYSHA EL AZRAK, bay mare, *2006 (Vivaldi Rach / Ephiffany J).
Breeder & owner: Regina Schärer and Rolf Raemy.
Strain: Not recorded (Family of Woloszka, ca. 1810)
Eysha El Azrak was born on 8 March 2006. As a daughter of the Polish/Egyptian bred Brazilian national and international champion stallion in Europe Vivaldi Rach (Armagnac x Vanity VF) and the Polish bred mare Ephiffany J (Ekstern x Elegantkah) from the Stud of Christine Jamar in Belgium, Eysha El Azrak has some remarkable successes in her short career. At only two years of age she had already been awarded a “Gold Medal” three times and won her class at the Swiss National Beständeschau for purebred arabians. In 2006 she was elected as “Best bred foal 2006 “and was made “Foal champion 2006”. Also in 2008 she won her class and again took the title as “Best bred foal of that year”.

Eysha El Azrak with her owners Regina Schärer and Rolf Raemy;
Photo: Franja Stump
At the Swiss national C-show in 2006 she was Champion in the filly class and at the international ECAHO-B-show in Boario Terme, Italy 2008 she reached the “Top five”. Last but not least she took 2nd place in the annual overall show ranking of the Swiss Arabian Horse Society in 2006.
With her gentle nature, beauty and elegance she is a wonderful ambassador of our Arabian breeding in Switzerland.