BINT MASHHAR BOUZNIKA, Black/Bay mare, *2003, (Imperial Mashhar / OA Nightshade).
Breeder and Owner: Haras Royal Pur Sang Arabe Bouznika.
Strain: Dahmeh Shahwanieh (Bint El Bahreyn 1898).
This wonderful young filly was named Junior Female Champion at the National Championships held in Meknes in May 2005. The filly’s breeder and owner is the famous the Royal Stud at Bouznika, which has for many years been the main pioneer and the major promoter of modern Arabian horse breeding and also of the breeding of Arabian show horses in Morocco.

L-R: Dr. Abdelhak Tber, Director of Société Royale d’Encouragement du Cheval; Mr. Mohamed Asila, Governor of Buslimane area; Mr. Amid Abdelhamid, Director of Royal Stud Farm of Bouznika;
Dr. Mohammed El Kohen, Head of the Moroccan National Studs Division and Registrar.

Bint Mashhar Bouznika, Morocco’s winner of the 2005 WAHO Trophy.